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Αναβάλλεται η Παγκόσμια Σύνοδος Νέων Ιατρών 2020

Εικόνα συγγραφέα: Junior Doctors' Network-HellasJunior Doctors' Network-Hellas

Λόγω της πανδημίας του κορωνοϊού, η προγραμματισμένη Σύνοδος των Νέων Ιατρών του WMA στο Πόρτο της Πορτογαλίας τον ερχόμενο Απρίλιο, αναβάλλεται. Μαζί αναβάλλεται και η Εαρινή σύνοδος του WMA (Council Session 2020). Νέες ημερομηνίες θα ανακοινωθούν σύντομα.

Διαβάστε την επίσημη επιστολή εκ μέρους του WMA:

To the Members of the World Medical Association And all Participants of the WMA Council Session

By e-mail

12 March 2020

Cancellation of the Porto Council Session and Onward Planning

Dear Colleagues,

Dear Partners and Friends of the WMA,

Yesterday we had to inform you about the cancellation of our Council Session in Porto, Portugal, April 16 to 18 and its pre-meetings on 15. In the meantime, the WHO has declared the current outbreak as a Pandemic and massive travel and meeting restrictions have been put in place in many countries to mitigate the further spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic. And many of you have functions to fulfil at home, which deserve priority.

We will explore with our Council Members whether a substitute meeting during the European Summer can take place, bearing in mind that this would require to find a date on which a majority of Council Members can convene, and provided that travel restrictions have been lifted or at least considerably reduced by the time of the meeting. We ask for your understanding that the priority on finding such a substitute date will be given to the Council Members. Should we find such a potential date for a postponed Council Session, we will of course inform all members, and partners accordingly.

All of you, who have made travel plans for the Porto meeting will have to consider cancellations or other options for your transportation and accommodation bookings. Currently some airline companies are offering suspensions for later changes or cancellations. In view of the travel restrictions implied and especially with the declaration of a Pandemic you may also wish to review potential clauses in your individual contracts on “Acts of God” or “Force Majeur”. We recommend doing so immediately, because there maybe strict timelines for notification with the occurrence of such a “Force Majeur”. For the bookings at the Sheraton Porto Hotel & Spa, the Secretariat is checking with the hotel on cancellation process and refund policy, and will update you when more information becomes available.

The ExCo will review, which steps of work can or must be done in lieu of the cancelled Council Session. The Secretariat will inform you about the measures taken. We will also inform you about the continuation of our policy work during the coming days. Please also find the letter from the Portuguese Medical Association which requests events planned for the next two months to be cancelled. Should you have questions to the WMA Secretariat, please mail us under .

Stay healthy!

With kind regards

Dr Otmar Kloiber

Secretary General

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