Παρακάτω δελτίο τύπου του Παγκόσμιου Ιατρικού Συλλόγου, αναφορικά με την έκκληση που απευθύνει η διεθνής κοινότητα στην κυβέρνηση του Ιράν κατά της απόφασης εκτέλεσης Ιρανού ιατρού:
An urgent plea to the Iranian authorities to stop the torture of a doctor facing execution has been made by the World Medical Association.
Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali, a specialist in emergency medicine, was sentenced to death on alleged espionage charges in October 2017. For the past 100 days he has been held in solitary confinement.
In a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader and President, WMA leaders express their profound dismay at reports that Dr. Djalali’s health is deteriorating and is now critical.
Dr. David Barbe, President of the WMA, and Dr. Frank Montgomery, Chair of the WMA Council, write: ‘The treatment inflicted on Dr. Djalali is nothing less then barbaric, inhuman and unworthy of any state governed by law’.
‘We join the call of the UN human rights experts to put an immediate end to torture against Dr. Djalali and urge the Iranian Government, parliament and judiciary to halt the use of solitary confinement as a form of punishment and to impose a moratorium on the death penalty as a first step towards its abolition’.
The letter says that Dr. Djalali was peacefully pursuing his profession when he was arrested, and was then convicted and sentenced based on a confession extracted under torture and after an unfair trial. Since then, he has faced imminent execution despite repeated pleas from the WMA and the international community.
The full press release is available here:
Regards, WMA Secretariat -- World Medical Association, Inc. 13A chemin du Levant 01210 Ferney-Voltaire,France ph: +33 450 40 75 75 Fax: +33 450 40 59 37 E-mail: wma@wma.net WEB: www.wma.net The World Medical Association (WMA) is the global federation of National Medical Associations representing the millions of physicians worldwide. Acting on behalf of patients and physicians, the WMA endeavors to achieve the highest possible standards of medical care, ethics, education and health-related human rights for all people.