Press Releases

Junior doctors in the frontline of the fight against COVID-19 pandemic
We are facing unprecedented situations for Public Health and challenging times for our daily life and medical practice. Recently, WHO has declared COVID-19 disease a pandemic. Already, the virus has spread all over the world, causing extreme burden to healthcare systems of the countries affected, as well as affecting negatively world economy and safety. With Europe being the epicenter of the pandemic...

Condolences for the loss of Dr. Michalis Vlastarakos, former PhMA president
With sadness we were informed today about the loss of Dr. Michalis Vlastarakos, former president of the Panhellenic Medical Association (PhMA) and strong supporter of JDN-Hellas since its inception. We have had the pleasure to have met with him in person and have worked together on issues of concern to Greek junior doctors, such as the pressing issue of doctors' migration and brain drain, as well as several emerging issues on Medical Deontology and Ethics...

REPORT from the participation of JDN-Hellas at EJD Autumn Meeting - General Assembly, Tartu, Estonia, 25-27 October 2018
The General Assembly was hosted by Estonian Junior Doctors Association at the central Tartu V-Spa Hotel and Conference Center. Greek junior doctors were represented on behalf of JDN-Hellas by Dr. Konstantinos Roditis, Chair, resident in Vascular Surgery. The 1st day commenced with an international conference on medical education entitled "Junior doctor in 21st Century's Europe", which comprised of 4 sessions...

Participation of JDN-Hellas at the Autumn meeting - General Assembly of EJD, Berlin, Germany, 1-2 November 2019
JDN-Hellas, represented by its Board members Dr. Konstantinos Roditis, Chair, Dr. Konstantinos Louis, Deputy-Chair and Treasurer and Dr. Vagelis Papageorgiou, member, attended representing Greek junior doctors and actively took part on 1-2 November 2019 at EJD Autumn Assembly 2019, which was hosted by Marburger Bund at Berlin's downtown Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten hotel and conference center...

Presence - participation of JDN-Hellas at the Spring Meeting - General Assembly of EJD, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10-11 May 2019
JDN-Hellas, represented by the members of its executive board, Mr. Konstantinos Roditis, Chair, and Mr. Konstantinos Louis, Deputy-Chair, is in Edinburgh, Scotland, taking actively part between 10-11 May 2019 in the Spring Meeting - General Assembly of European Junior Doctors Association - EJD...

Nationwide research by JDN-Hellas reveals what Greek junior doctors think about satisfaction from doing their job
Junior doctors have to learn how to deal with long shifts, lack of sleep, study hours, increased responsibilities, hard competition, and also a personal and social life. This amount of pressure leads to both physical and mental illness. The present study seeks to unveil how Greek junior doctors perceive their residency, focusing on job satisfaction...

European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2018: Knowledge and perceptions of Greek junior doctors and suggestions for combatting Antimicrobial Resistance
On the occasion of the European Awareness Day - 18 November 2018, JDN-Hellas took part in raising awareness among its membership, Greek junior doctors, as well as the general Greek public, on the rules that must apply in antibiotic prescription and use. An online campaign was launched...

Participation at the JDN-WMA annual Meeting & WMA GA 2018 in Reykjavik
Between 1-6 October 2018, in Reykjavik, Iceland, the annual Meeting of the Junior Doctors Network of WMA took place, in parallel with WMA's General Assembly. Both events were hosted by the Icelandic Medical Association. JDN-Hellas was present for the 5th consecutive time...

Participation at the WMA JDN Spring Meeting 2018
Today, April 25th, 2018 the Spring Meeting of the Junior Doctors Network of the World Medical Association (JDN-WMA) takes place at the Latvian Medical Association headquarters in the capital of Latvia, Riga. Greek junior doctors are represented at the meeting by JDN-Hellas...

Participation at the Annual Meeting of the Junior Doctors Network of WMA
Members of the Board of JDN-Hellas participated yesterday, Monday 9th and yesterday, Tuesday 10th October 2017, at the Annual Meeting of the Junior Doctors Network-WMA for 2017, which took place at the headquarters of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The meeting was held in parallel with the General Assembly of the World Medical Association - WMA...

JDN-Hellas will be present at the Ceremony of the reciting of the Hippocratic Oath in Asclepieion of Kos
Junior Doctors Network-Hellas will be present at a special event tomorrow, Saturday 16 September in the afternoon at 18:00 pm, at the site of the Asclepieion of Kos, representing Greek Junior Doctors, after receiving an invitation by the Vice President of the International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos (DIKO), Mr. Aristotle Pavlidis...